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What a wonderful book recommendation. I cut my baseball teeth in the '70s. At age 13 I played in my town league wearing a pair of white leather metal spikes. Like your go-go boots, I thought those spikes were the bomb: metal like the big leagues and white like the Swingin' A's. My team was sponsored by Bob's Cigarette Service. And at the time it didn't seem at all ironic.

The distillation of a a decade into a few hundred pages has the effect of separating the wheat from the chaff. When all those crazy events are spread over 10 years, nothing seems that much out of place. When distilled down to a period of a week or so to read the book, it seems daunting. Baseball, like life, unfolds, it doesn't envelop. Its a series of days with no discernible meaningful events peppered with a few grand and memorable days or nights that add up to a season. Perhaps reading the book over the course of a long summer would make for manageable bite sized snacks rather than a smorgasbord.

As for missing a decade of baseball, I think of the game like family. It will raise you into adulthood and turn you loose to learn about life, but it will always be waiting for you to return and the door will be open. That's comforting, isn't it?

watching the game

Tom, I love that image of your town league uniform! The metaphor of baseball as family always there to welcome us home is so lovely, as are your reflections on the distillation of time.

I hope others are reading your comments and enjoying them as much as I am.

Thank you.


Thanks for the kind words. I feel its been my good fortune to find your blog on the internet. Keep rockin.


Dave Baldwin

Another wonderfully insightful post, Judy. Perhaps none of us pay enough attention to our world as it is happening. Like Candide, we focus on tending our own gardens. If a book can give us the memories we missed the first time through, maybe that will do.

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